Monday, October 11, 2010

god? yep...i'm pretty sure that was him

So every morning I drive into the parking lot of the hospital, turn off my car, and pray...just a quick little prayer thanking god for whatever i happen to feel thankful for that morning, to guide our surgeons' hands, to be with our patients and their families, to help us all extend the healing ministry of christ (i know it's cheesy, it's our hospital's mission statement, haha, but it always seems to fit) and anything else i feel like i can squeeze in there. This morning for some reason I asked God to use me in whatever way I could be used, and for the strength to actually do whatever i was asked. Not a strange prayer for most, but for me it was and i didn't think anything of it until i reflected upon my day.
My patient is scared to death lying on the OR table, literally seconds away from being anesthetized...she asks if there's a priest in house ( i immediately panic because i think she wants her last rites or something...i was like geez lady you are NOT dying in my OR) I told her that we always have one that we can call who can come in to see her, she informed me that she really just wanted to pray with someone before her surgery...I told her that it was probably a little late to get a priest in before her surgery but that we could pray with her if she wanted. So there we were, me, the patient, and the anesthesiologist we all held hands and i led us in i realize that most people have probably led someone in prayer a billion times...but for me this was a first..i don't think i've ever prayed out loud before, let alone leading someone in this was a big deal for me especially since i struggle with my faith on a regular basis and still don't quite have prayer quite figured out! I have the priveledge of working in a seventh day adventist hospital where religion and spirituality surround me and i think that this has had a huge impact on my faith. And maybe i'm a little over excited about this...but i felt like today was a big step for me...and i now have something else in my arsenal to help me to comfort my patients. Today i felt like i asked god to use me...and he did!

1 comment:

  1. This is really awesome. I have always struggled with prayer too, and I've always been really nervous to pray out loud in front of anyone. I definitely think that's a huge step that you were able to do that!
