Saturday, August 7, 2010

the shankopotami are running rampant...

Yesterday was friday woohoo! I was banished to endo as punishment for some unknown offense but actually had a great time there! we had big boy docs who played well with eachother...for once we weren't running doctor daycare! our new endo tech makes all the difference in the attitude of the depertment and i thoroughly enjoy working with her. we even have some new terminology that confuse the hell out of our patients! first is bawk...replaces most curses well...confuses patients...and makes us laugh hysterically even when we're stressed out and want to scream! and my favorite word is shankopotamous....this describes those very special people that make you want to scream BAAWWWKK! the plural is shankpotami! i met the queen of the shankopatami the other day...young girl, crazy as can be, smelled horrible, and recognized me in public...ugh! so overall yesterday was a great day except for the fact that i felt (& still feel like) death. all day everyone looked at me and look horrible/awful/ i really needed them to TELL me that i looked awful! it feels like someone pulled a could down and stuck it on top of my head and set my throat on fire! so now i'm loaded up on antibiotics and cough syrup waiting to feel better!
in other not so exciting news i THINK i've decided to stay working the OR for a while longer than i had planned...this means that after school is over i'll start studying for my certification and see where that goes. we (my husband and i) decided that going right back to school again is just not what's best for us right now. between school and taking call i hadn't seen my stepson for 3 months and i feel like he's growing up and i'm missing his life. speaking of my stepson we picked him up this morning and we get to keep him until next sunday and i'm excited to get to spend time with him. we're spending the weekend with my husband's parents and then taking the munchkin over to st.augustine and hopefully we'll have a nice time there with him before i have to go back to work on thursday. 
an issue that's been pulling at me is one of our patients...and it reminds me that you must discuss your wishes with your family and carefully pick your power of attorney or healthcare surrogate and have it well documented. our patient population is mostly geriatric and this is a constant issue for us; however, there are special patients that i feel we are simply prolonging their suffering. the particular patient bothering me has been down with us in surgery at least 5 times now for different procedures and has not been coherent once in the last month...her body has failed her but we just keep doing things to keep her living...every time i think of her all i can think is "GO TO THE LIGHT!" and she's tried to die a couple times but then we step in and save her....are we really saving her? is this the right thing to do or is it cruel? i really don't know and we have to follow her poa's decisions....maybe i'm just a cynical person but i feel like god is waiting up in heaven wih open arms for her and we're just standing in her way!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you get to spend time with Jonathan (or Jonathon? I can't remember which way is correct). :) Like I've said a thousand and one times- I feel like you have been in school forever and ever and always will be. So a break might be good, right? :) But I know you love it.. in some strange and torturous way. lol.

    I can't imagine being in the position you're in with the patient that you keep saving. :( I don't think that's cynical at all- I agree that it's probably her time. I mean, I wouldn't want to be kept alive like that- who would? But no one wants to make that kind of choice for someone either. I hope something changes soon because I know that has to be really tough. :(

    Keep blogging! You lead a more interesting life than I do! :)
